If you are looking to experience Ayahuasca

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When you are searching for a guided spiritual experience powered through plant medicine, it is important to feel good and fully trust what you are coming into. This is not an easy task, but the following topics can guide you:

  • Intimacy. Having a small group retreat where you are not a number, but a person who is listened to and worked with on a one-to-one basis
  • Authenticity. Being part of a healing experience that is not commercial, but rather led by locals, who have deep respect for plant medicine, the spiritual and healing journey, and truly care for those who come to the retreats.
  • Nature-driven. Having a session close to or being embedded in a rich nature environment is critical. If you live in a big city and getting away from those vibrations and being in one that is surrounded in real nature, is very important!

To further elaborate – if you would speak to a significant other or friend about a difficult matter, they would offer you some solace, love and kindness in the moment.

-If you would speak to a therapist, they would give you the hour of your time and so on, but…could you imagine being positively reinforced listened to and guided for all the days of a retreat as you work through some of your toughest blockers, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and even physically…

Yes, you can have that because that´s what happens at our Retreats!

If you are looking for a transformative experience, at Nada Brahma Healing Center we are ready to welcome you. The first step is to submit your enrollment application. Request it here.

Participant comments:

“It made me cry such tears of joy, because I know very deeply that I was loved and it helped me better breakthrough the barriers of my own blockers with self-love.

My journey here was meant to be. In a word … it was “perfect!” 

“There is no way to quantify what they give to their retreat attendees. They open up their hearts, minds, wisdom, and, yes! their home to you! If you are open-minded and committed to your spiritual journey this is truly a place where you can have breakthroughs.”

“I experienced so many expressions of gratitude throughout the retreat and one that strikes me to this day is “Never in my life has anyone, let alone multiple people, offered me so much love, compassion, and understanding for such a continuous amount of time.”

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