Medicine & Ceremonies


Plant Medicine ayahuasca has been used by the indigenous inhabitants of the Amazon rainforest for more than 5000 years.

Each individual’s experience is unique and different but, one thing almost everyone experiences is the death and destruction of their “ego”.

Wanna try it?

Plant Medicine helps you to remove layers of the personality that do not let you see the wonderful being who wants to express in this life, who you really are!


Kambo is an ancient medicine that has been used for thousands of years by many tribes in the Amazon Rainforest.

In addition to having powerful healing and detoxing qualities, Kambo is one of the most powerful, natural antibiotics and anesthetics found in the world.

Wanna try it?

Plant Medicine helps you to remove layers of the personality that do not let you see the wonderful being who wants to express in this life, who you really are!


For thousands of years, tobacco has been used as a powerful plant medicine for many indigenous groups.

Rapé is used as a powerful and beautiful healing medicine. It is pronounced “ra-pé” in Spanish.

Wanna try it?

Plant Medicine helps you to remove layers of the personality that do not let you see the wonderful being who wants to express in this life, who you really are!


Temazcal, more commonly known as sweat lodge, is a sacred ceremony which has been used for centuries in Mexico and Central America to purify the mind and body, heal the sick and provide a sacred space for women to give birth. 

Wanna try it?

Plant Medicine helps you to remove layers of the personality that do not let you see the wonderful being who wants to express in this life, who you really are!